Paulssons: Hues of Seattle
Paulssons: Wonderful aquisitions
Paulssons: Potato box and barn
Paulssons: Stairs of Love
Paulssons: DSCN2939
Paulssons: Industrial form
Paulssons: Bits and pieces
Paulssons: silver lining in blue
Paulssons: Rem reflects
Paulssons: Berlin: Lines
Paulssons: DSCN0391
Paulssons: good morning
Paulssons: Study in lines: Yellow
Paulssons: Literary shapes
Paulssons: Curves and Lines: Studies in white, black and yellow
Paulssons: Curves and Lines: Studies in white, black and yellow
Paulssons: Retail yellow
Paulssons: Orderly
Paulssons: Heavenly rust
Paulssons: criss cross
Paulssons: Seattle Central Library
Paulssons: stairway to heaven
Paulssons: DSCN3848
Paulssons: IMG_2355
Paulssons: DSCN3989