Paulssons: last gasp in evening light
Paulssons: baksippa with cowslips in evening light
Paulssons: wilting but still glorious in a nodding sort of way
Paulssons: leftovers taste better
Paulssons: lambsear
Paulssons: fading moments
Paulssons: fuzz with light
Paulssons: floral fuzz
Paulssons: baksippa, fading moments
Paulssons: Innovate.
Paulssons: lines and curves
Paulssons: IMG_8245
Paulssons: IMG_8626
Paulssons: IMG_8666
Paulssons: May17- 021
Paulssons: May17- 024
Paulssons: maj 092
Paulssons: maj 098
Paulssons: maj 127
Paulssons: maj 131
Paulssons: maj 134
Paulssons: maj 136
Paulssons: maj 149
Paulssons: maj 150
Paulssons: maj evening 020
Paulssons: maj birthday and mothers day weekend 001
Paulssons: maj birthday and mothers day weekend 003
Paulssons: maj birthday and mothers day weekend 004
Paulssons: maj birthday and mothers day weekend 005