rochpaul5: Spinakers Up
rochpaul5: Backlit Sumac
rochpaul5: Maple Leaf
rochpaul5: Irondequoit Bay Sailing
rochpaul5: 2887
rochpaul5: Irondequoit Bay
rochpaul5: Newport House at Christmas
rochpaul5: Red-breasted Merganser, (Mergus serrator), f. winter
rochpaul5: Directing the Crew
rochpaul5: Swan Family
rochpaul5: Skate the Bay
rochpaul5: Glowing Leaves
rochpaul5: Kayak Bouquet
rochpaul5: Bikes on Ice
rochpaul5: Birds, Ice and Bridge, Irondequoit Bay, NY
rochpaul5: Golden Trees
rochpaul5: Bayside
rochpaul5: Bufflehead Pair
rochpaul5: Long-tailed Duck / Oldsquaw, (Clangula hyemalis) m. winter
rochpaul5: Three Boats
rochpaul5: Irondequoit Bay, Winter
rochpaul5: Fall Tree, Irondequoit Bay
rochpaul5: Artist's Abode
rochpaul5: Spawning Carp
rochpaul5: Irondequoit Bay
rochpaul5: Irondequoit Bay
rochpaul5: Winter at Durand Lake
rochpaul5: Flooding at Masters
rochpaul5: Alone at the Light
rochpaul5: J. Caesar Leaving Irondequoit Bay