Pauls Pixels:
A clown puts his make-up on upside down, so he wears a smile even when he wears a frown. There’s nothing sadder than a clown.
Pauls Pixels:
Pauls Pixels:
Cefalu - Up on the roof
Pauls Pixels:
All the Right Angles
Pauls Pixels:
The dotted line my father’s ashplant made on Sandymount Strand is something else the tide won’t wash away.
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Pauls Pixels:
Guardian of the Valleys - Six Bells
Pauls Pixels:
The Leap
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No Running - Fishguard to Rosslare Ferry
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Boy watches Crocodile whilst Crocodile watches Boy.
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Little Shit
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Paso doble
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All meet, no greet…
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Oh, mist rolling in from the sea
Pauls Pixels:
Postcard from Verona. Arches
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Hot Gossip. You didn’t hear it from me.
Pauls Pixels:
The peeking octopus
Pauls Pixels:
The Decorator, Capri
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The Lovers
Pauls Pixels:
Dolls - Multiple Exposure
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Dubai - Burgh Khalifa
Pauls Pixels:
Postcard from Verona. The lovers
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Pauls Pixels:
They’re comin to getcha (with those big hands)..