Pauls Pixels: Alghero, Sardinia
Pauls Pixels: Hidden in plain sight
Pauls Pixels: Butterfly#, in pines near the beach, Alghero
Pauls Pixels: In vicino di Alghero, Sardegna
Pauls Pixels: In the gutter on an empty street
Pauls Pixels: Is this seat free?
Pauls Pixels: There's always time for a glass of wine
Pauls Pixels: Arte Sarda
Pauls Pixels: Between two loads
Pauls Pixels: Collie wobbles
Pauls Pixels: On the right path, but only as I saw it.
Pauls Pixels: Plastic Lazarus
Pauls Pixels: Not long after sunrise
Pauls Pixels: Freewheelin'
Pauls Pixels: Alghero
Pauls Pixels: On the wonk
Pauls Pixels: Vineyard at Lazzaretto
Pauls Pixels: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Pauls Pixels: Window shopping
Pauls Pixels: Cucina Officine
Pauls Pixels: Little & Large