paulbiggsphotography: Seeing the bigger picture
paulbiggsphotography: All the world's a stage (Sc. 2)
paulbiggsphotography: All the world's a stage
paulbiggsphotography: Two's company.....
paulbiggsphotography: Suited, booted and cherooted.
paulbiggsphotography: Lovers, sleepers, walkers
paulbiggsphotography: Burlington Berties
paulbiggsphotography: Bric a brac geezers
paulbiggsphotography: The headlock
paulbiggsphotography: Stilton stare
paulbiggsphotography: My big fat cigar
paulbiggsphotography: Upward glance
paulbiggsphotography: Running late (The decisive moment)
paulbiggsphotography: Saying sorry
paulbiggsphotography: .....and it goes like this......
paulbiggsphotography: Tight lipped
paulbiggsphotography: Venetian kiss
paulbiggsphotography: Bankside 145b
paulbiggsphotography: Bankside 284f
paulbiggsphotography: 103-IMG_8912
paulbiggsphotography: Grin and bare it
paulbiggsphotography: Speak, hear and see no evil