paulproteus: How many nerds does it take to steal a bike?
paulproteus: Noah fiddles with gwillen's car jack
paulproteus: Davi arrives, tries his angle grinder
paulproteus: Still cutting.
paulproteus: See! The angle grinder itself has been ground away.
paulproteus: Davi unreels his extension cord
paulproteus: "Cut it here, yeah?"
paulproteus: Sparks fly.
paulproteus: Our hero, Shane!
paulproteus: Noah examines his bike.
paulproteus: There you have it. A lock in two pieces.
paulproteus: Judy packs her bike on top of Davi's car.
paulproteus: Davi grins at Noah. A job well done. Time to go home.
paulproteus: After Noah got home: the lock, after cutting.