Paul's creative works:
She's got good projection - 2022-02-23_006
Paul's creative works:
Happy with this one - 2022-02-23_009
Paul's creative works:
No problem! - 2022-02-23_016
Paul's creative works:
Up, up, and away! - 2022-02-23_017
Paul's creative works:
Ready for the hand-off - 2022-02-23_034
Paul's creative works:
She is book'n! - 2022-02-23_035
Paul's creative works:
Hand-off perfection - 2022-02-23_037
Paul's creative works:
And .. he's off! - 2022-02-23_038
Paul's creative works:
Variations in start-off styles - 2022-02-23_048
Paul's creative works:
Leading with margin - 2022-02-23_050
Paul's creative works:
Setting a good pace - 2022-02-23_055
Paul's creative works:
Last dash for the finish line - 2022-02-23_058
Paul's creative works:
Fun inter-team competition at the finish line - 2022-02-23_060
Paul's creative works:
Deep in thought? - 2022-02-23_064
Paul's creative works:
Pushing each other - 2022-02-23_094
Paul's creative works:
Three in mid-air - 2022-02-23_099
Paul's creative works:
Top form - 2022-02-23_154
Paul's creative works:
Here - take this! - 2022-02-23_159
Paul's creative works:
Making it look easy - 2022-03-02_020
Paul's creative works:
Look out below! - 2022-03-02_033
Paul's creative works:
One loooong jump! - 2022-03-02_034
Paul's creative works:
Silhouette vaulter - 2022-03-02_037
Paul's creative works:
Pole vaulting, up close - 2022-03-02_038
Paul's creative works:
Now I just have to get rid of this pole - 2022-03-02_040
Paul's creative works:
She's good at air travel - 2022-03-02_047
Paul's creative works:
Skip'n through the air - 2022-03-02_052
Paul's creative works:
Smiling to victory - 2022-03-02_055
Paul's creative works:
Good landing! - 2022-03-02_062
Paul's creative works:
Giving it all he's got - 2022-03-02_079
Paul's creative works:
Every ounce of might - 2022-03-02_086