P@ulie: Waiting
P@ulie: Selling goodies at the temple
P@ulie: Playing cricket
P@ulie: Hide and seek
P@ulie: Playground
P@ulie: Learning young
P@ulie: Preparing
P@ulie: Aarti
P@ulie: The ceremony starts
P@ulie: View by night
P@ulie: At the temple
P@ulie: View by night
P@ulie: DSC_4303
P@ulie: Evening market
P@ulie: Streetview
P@ulie: Morning prayer
P@ulie: Morning rituals
P@ulie: Praying at the riverside
P@ulie: Leaving for Rishikesh
P@ulie: On the way to Rishikesh
P@ulie: On the way to Rishikesh
P@ulie: On the way to Rishikesh
P@ulie: At the bridge in Rishikesh
P@ulie: Temple
P@ulie: on top of the temple
P@ulie: At the riverside