paulm66: eskimo
paulm66: rockface
paulm66: standing in the shadow
paulm66: DSC06750.edit
paulm66: DSC06769.edit
paulm66: tyne
paulm66: tyne
paulm66: seagull
paulm66: mouth of tyne
paulm66: Collingwoods cannons
paulm66: Gaynor meets Collingwood
paulm66: Gaynor meets Collingwood
paulm66: mouth of tyne
paulm66: lifeguards
paulm66: mouth of tyne
paulm66: cold gaynor
paulm66: cold gaynor orig
paulm66: sunrise
paulm66: tyres2
paulm66: tyres
paulm66: boats
paulm66: cliff
paulm66: sage
paulm66: lollypop
paulm66: tube
paulm66: boat