Lawrence OP: St Isaac Jogues
Lawrence OP: St Jean de Brébeuf
Lawrence OP: Worship of All the Saints in Heaven
Lawrence OP: Immaculate Conception window
Lawrence OP: Doctor Communis
Lawrence OP: Pieta
Lawrence OP: The Spirit of God has filled the whole world
Lawrence OP: The Maid of Orleans
Lawrence OP: Live Jesus in our Hearts Forever!
Lawrence OP: Mother of the Americas
Lawrence OP: St Henry
Lawrence OP: St Louis Cathedral in New Orleans
Lawrence OP: Our Lady of Prompt Succour
Lawrence OP: Coronation of St Louis of France
Lawrence OP: St Margaret Mary Alacoque
Lawrence OP: St John Delalande
Lawrence OP: St Martin de Porres
Lawrence OP: Christ our Universal King
Lawrence OP: The Risen Lord appears to St Mary Magdalene
Lawrence OP: Christ the Eternal High Priest
Lawrence OP: Sacred Heart window
Lawrence OP: St Elizabeth of Portugal
Lawrence OP: Saint Henry
Lawrence OP: Saint Hyacinth
Lawrence OP: St Louis building the Sainte Chapelle
Lawrence OP: You cling to human traditions...
Lawrence OP: St Louis Bertrand
Lawrence OP: St Martin de Porres
Lawrence OP: Your Liberation is at hand!
Lawrence OP: St Raymond of Penyafort