Lawrence OP:
Ruins of Greyfriars
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Christ in Majesty
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Our Lady of Walsingham
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Ely Lady chapel sedilia
Lawrence OP:
Ely Lady chapel sedilia
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Ely Lady chapel vault
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Our Lady of Walsingham
Lawrence OP:
Prayers to Our Lady
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Our Lady of Walsingham
Lawrence OP:
Our Lady of Walsingham
Lawrence OP:
Slipper Chapel
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Ecce Ancilla Domini
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Holy Trinity
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Slipper Chapel Altar
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Our Lady of Walsingham
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Our Lady Assumed
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Detail of Mary Assumed
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Shield of the Assumption
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Holy Ghost Chapel
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On the Holy Mile
Lawrence OP:
Entering Walsingham
Lawrence OP:
Salve Regina
Lawrence OP:
Ad te Domine
Lawrence OP:
Our Lady's Anglican Shrine
Lawrence OP:
Christ in Majesty
Lawrence OP:
Vision of Richeldis
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Lawrence OP:
Pink Poppy
Lawrence OP:
Down the Holy Mile
Lawrence OP:
Friar with young pilgrims