paulleto, the sad tinker:
paulleto, the sad tinker:
Detalle religioso
paulleto, the sad tinker:
The Boxer (El boxeador)
paulleto, the sad tinker:
The Coach (El entrenador)
paulleto, the sad tinker:
Eternal rose
paulleto, the sad tinker:
Utopy in bronze
paulleto, the sad tinker:
The redeemed rascal
paulleto, the sad tinker:
El grabador (The engraver)
paulleto, the sad tinker:
Aseado (Tidy)
paulleto, the sad tinker:
El sereno
paulleto, the sad tinker:
Classic: worthy of being imitated (clásico:digno de ser imitado)
paulleto, the sad tinker:
The director
paulleto, the sad tinker:
Shine anyone?
paulleto, the sad tinker:
The Florist
paulleto, the sad tinker:
The enthusiasm of the aprentice