paulkirtley73: Paddling up to an old beaver dam
paulkirtley73: A good year for blueberries
paulkirtley73: French River north channel
paulkirtley73: Fragrant Water-Lily
paulkirtley73: French River islands
paulkirtley73: French River
paulkirtley73: Pickerelweed in bloom
paulkirtley73: A wonderful environment to paddle through
paulkirtley73: Great camping spot
paulkirtley73: Water-Lilies and Pickerelweed
paulkirtley73: Old portage
paulkirtley73: Cardinal Flowers
paulkirtley73: Beautiful creek
paulkirtley73: As nature intended
paulkirtley73: There were a few obstacles
paulkirtley73: Campsite at the end of the rainbow
paulkirtley73: Bee on flowers of Common Burdock
paulkirtley73: Woodpeckers have been at work
paulkirtley73: Wonderful landscape
paulkirtley73: Great little cabin I stayed in
paulkirtley73: A frog's eye view of a frog
paulkirtley73: Norm and Chico
paulkirtley73: Setting nets
paulkirtley73: Filleting rock bass
paulkirtley73: Fish fry
paulkirtley73: Cooking for the feast!
paulkirtley73: Local plant knowledge
paulkirtley73: Camp at dusk