bazmazphoto: Mand and Grace
bazmazphoto: alex portrait
bazmazphoto: alex again
bazmazphoto: alex in thought
bazmazphoto: alex looking out
bazmazphoto: bw at home
bazmazphoto: in town bw
bazmazphoto: freckles
bazmazphoto: sly look
bazmazphoto: churchyard
bazmazphoto: grace bw
bazmazphoto: alex bw with col
bazmazphoto: Alex BW
bazmazphoto: Alex BW
bazmazphoto: hand detail
bazmazphoto: shadow
bazmazphoto: DSC_4602
bazmazphoto: DSC_4604
bazmazphoto: DSC_3615
bazmazphoto: DSC_3451
bazmazphoto: best wishes from friends at our local!
bazmazphoto: Illusion taken in Quirky Quarter - Duke St, Liverpool
bazmazphoto: View from riverside tower looking to city tower - Royal Liver Building - Liverpool
bazmazphoto: Generation below and generation before me
bazmazphoto: Waiting at the U Bahn 153/365
bazmazphoto: Restaurant waiting for food 197/365