Paul and Jill: Tree Cholla Cylindropuntia imbricata from the Cottonwood Trailhead loop
Paul and Jill: Brown-spined Pricklypear Opuntia phaeacantha
Paul and Jill: Brown-spined Pricklypear Opuntia phaeacantha
Paul and Jill: Silverleaf Nightshade Solanum elaeagnifolium
Paul and Jill: Tree Cholla Cylindropuntia imbricata from the Cottonwood Trailhead loop
Paul and Jill: Narrowleaf Yucca Yucca angustissima and Wholeleaf Paintbrush Castilleja integra
Paul and Jill: Mid-Bladderpod Physaria intermedia
Paul and Jill: Cinder Lichen Aspicilia cinerea
Paul and Jill: Cinder Lichen Aspicilia cinerea
Paul and Jill: view from the Cottonwood Trailhead loop
Paul and Jill: Trailing Windmills Allionia incarnata
Paul and Jill: view from the Cottonwood Trailhead