Paul and Jill: Rugosa Rose Rosa rugosa
Paul and Jill: Oriental Bittersweet Celastrus orbiculatus
Paul and Jill: Rugosa Rose Rosa rugosa
Paul and Jill: Red Pine Pinus resinosa
Paul and Jill: Red Pine Pinus resinosa
Paul and Jill: Rugosa Rose Rosa rugosa
Paul and Jill: Rugosa Rose Rosa rugosa
Paul and Jill: Atlantic Blue Crab Callinectes sapidus
Paul and Jill: Dead Man's Fingers Codium fragile
Paul and Jill: Dead Man's Fingers Codium fragile
Paul and Jill: Common Atlantic Slippersnail Crepidula fornicata
Paul and Jill: Common Atlantic Slippersnail Crepidula fornicata
Paul and Jill: Atlantic Bay Scallop Argopecten irradians
Paul and Jill: Common Atlantic Slippersnail Crepidula fornicata
Paul and Jill: shallow water
Paul and Jill: Weekapaug Inn
Paul and Jill: onceNorthern Quahog Mercenaria mercenaria
Paul and Jill: Northern Quahog Mercenaria mercenaria
Paul and Jill: Common Atlantic Slippersnail Crepidula fornicata and Dead Man's Fingers Codium fragile
Paul and Jill: Dead Man's Fingers Codium fragile
Paul and Jill: Rugosa Rose Rosa rugosa
Paul and Jill: Rugosa Rose Rosa rugosa
Paul and Jill: Rugosa Rose Rosa rugosa
Paul and Jill: Atlantic Ghost Crab Ocypode quadrata
Paul and Jill: Northern Seaside Goldenrod Solidago sempervirens
Paul and Jill: Northern Seaside Goldenrod Solidago sempervirens