Paul and Jill:
Brown-spined Pricklypear Opuntia phaeacantha
Paul and Jill:
Cerrillos Hills State Park
Paul and Jill:
Spotted Tylosis Beetle Tylosis maculatus on globemallow Sphaeralcea sp.
Paul and Jill:
Cortez Mine Trail
Paul and Jill:
Tree Cholla Cylindropuntia imbricata
Paul and Jill:
Perky Sue Tetraneuris argentea
Paul and Jill:
Rocky Mountain Zinnia Zinnia grandiflora
Paul and Jill:
Small-leaf Globemallow Sphaeralcea parvifolia
Paul and Jill:
Blackfoot Daisy Melampodium leucanthum
Paul and Jill:
Brown-spined Pricklypear Opuntia phaeacantha
Paul and Jill:
One-seed Juniper Juniperus monosperma
Paul and Jill:
Variegated Fritillary Euptoieta claudia
Paul and Jill:
Broom Snakeweed Gutierrezia sarothrae
Paul and Jill:
Jumping Spider Phidippus carneus
Paul and Jill:
Banana Yucca Yucca baccata
Paul and Jill:
Club-Cholla Grusonia clavata
Paul and Jill:
Club-Cholla Grusonia clavata
Paul and Jill:
Fendler's Sandmat Euphorbia fendleri
Paul and Jill:
Brown-spined Pricklypear Opuntia phaeacantha
Paul and Jill:
Threadleaf Groundsel Senecio flaccidus
Paul and Jill:
Cerrillos Hills State Park
Paul and Jill:
Gambel Oak Quercus gambelii
Paul and Jill:
Apache Plume Fallugia paradoxa