Paul and Jill:
Lethrinus lentjan Redspot Emperor
Paul and Jill:
Mulloidichthys vanicolensis Goldstripe Goatfish
Paul and Jill:
Cheilinus chlorourus Floral Wrasse
Paul and Jill:
Linckia laevigata
Paul and Jill:
Stegastes nigricans Dusky Gregory and unidentified sponge
Paul and Jill:
Sargocentron rubrum (probable) Red Squirrelfish with Longspot and Stripey Snappers
Paul and Jill:
Plectropomus leopardus Common Coral Trout
Paul and Jill:
unidentified brain coral and sponge
Paul and Jill:
Chelonia mydas Green Sea Turtle
Paul and Jill:
Chelonia mydas Green Sea Turtle
Paul and Jill:
Chelonia mydas Green Sea Turtle and Echeneis naucrates Sharksucker
Paul and Jill:
Chelonia mydas Green Sea Turtle and Echeneis naucrates Sharksucker
Paul and Jill:
Chelonia mydas Green Sea Turtle and Echeneis naucrates Sharksucker
Paul and Jill:
Chelonia mydas Green Sea Turtle
Paul and Jill:
Chelonia mydas Green Sea Turtle
Paul and Jill:
Chelonia mydas Green Sea Turtle
Paul and Jill:
Chelonia mydas Green Sea Turtle
Paul and Jill:
Parupeneus indicus Yellowspot Goatfish
Paul and Jill:
Siganus doliatus Bluelined Rabbitfish
Paul and Jill:
Dischistodus perspicillatus White Damsel
Paul and Jill:
Paul and Jill:
Lethrinus nebulosus Spangled Emperor
Paul and Jill:
Dischistodus prosopotaenia Honeyhead Damsel
Paul and Jill:
Naso unicornis Blue Spine Unicornfish
Paul and Jill:
Lutjanus fulviflamma Longspot Snapper
Paul and Jill:
Halichoeres chloropterus Pastel-green Wrasse
Paul and Jill:
Plectropomus leopardus Common Coral Trout
Paul and Jill:
Plectropomus leopardus Common Coral Trout
Paul and Jill:
Plectropomus leopardus Common Coral Trout
Paul and Jill:
Lethrinus atkinsoni Yellowtail Emperor