Paul and Jill:
Coyote Call trailhead
Paul and Jill:
Southwestern Red Belt Fomitopsis schrenkii
Paul and Jill:
scarlet paintbrush Castilleja miniata
Paul and Jill:
Aspen Fleabane Erigeron speciosus
Paul and Jill:
bark stripped by fire
Paul and Jill:
bark stripped by fire
Paul and Jill:
yellow salsify Tragopogon dubius
Paul and Jill:
Fendler's Ragwort Packera fendleri
Paul and Jill:
Richardson's geranium Geranium richardsonii
Paul and Jill:
Parry's goldenrod Oreochrysum parryi and Hedgehog Fly Adejeania vexatrix
Paul and Jill:
dead branch
Paul and Jill:
wooly mullein Verbascum thapsus
Paul and Jill:
detail of wooly mullein Verbascum thapsus
Paul and Jill:
forest floor
Paul and Jill:
dried fleabane Erigeron
Paul and Jill:
Slender Cinquefoil Potentilla gracilis
Paul and Jill:
Western Painted Suillus Suillus lakei
Paul and Jill:
Lactarius sp
Paul and Jill:
Western Painted Suillus Suillus lakei
Paul and Jill:
forest floor with Lactarius sp
Paul and Jill:
red raspberry Rubus idaeus
Paul and Jill:
saffron milk cap Lactarius deliciosus
Paul and Jill:
saffron milk cap Lactarius deliciosus
Paul and Jill:
gilled mushroom
Paul and Jill:
gilled mushroom, underside
Paul and Jill:
gilled mushroom
Paul and Jill:
Common Puffball Lycoperdon perlatum
Paul and Jill:
overturned Common Puffball Lycoperdon perlatum
Paul and Jill:
red raspberry Rubus idaeus
Paul and Jill:
Valle Grande