Paul and Jill:
yellow mangrove Ceriops australis
Paul and Jill:
Maroon Mangrove Crab Parasesarma messa amidst the mangroves
Paul and Jill:
mangrove roots
Paul and Jill:
Compressed Fiddler Crab Tubuca coarctata amidst the mangroves
Paul and Jill:
Paul and Jill:
mangrove pneumatophores
Paul and Jill:
stilted mangrove Rhizophora stylosa
Paul and Jill:
telescope mud whelk Telescopium telescopium
Paul and Jill:
Australian brush-turkey Alectura lathami
Paul and Jill:
weeping fig Ficus benjamina
Paul and Jill:
Yellow-eyed Plane Neptis praslini
Paul and Jill:
bracket fungus Trametes sp.
Paul and Jill:
roots, perhaps
Paul and Jill:
Paul and Jill:
giant golden orb weaver Nephila pilipes with wrapped prey
Paul and Jill:
giant golden orb weaver Nephila pilipes with wrapped prey
Paul and Jill:
trunk of weeping paperbark Melaleuca leucadendra
Paul and Jill:
Australian pelican Pelecanus conspicillatus and Pacific black duck Anas superciliosa
Paul and Jill:
radjah shelduck Tadorna radjah