Paul and Jill:
dubious dtella Gehyra dubia
Paul and Jill:
dubious dtella Gehyra dubia
Paul and Jill:
native apple Syzygium suborbiculare
Paul and Jill:
native apple Syzygium suborbiculare
Paul and Jill:
native apple Syzygium suborbiculare
Paul and Jill:
native apple Syzygium suborbiculare
Paul and Jill:
skink Carlia longipes
Paul and Jill:
skink Carlia longipes breeding male
Paul and Jill:
kapok tree Cochlospermum gillivraei
Paul and Jill:
Watsons Bay from land
Paul and Jill:
yellow-spotted monitor Varanus panoptes
Paul and Jill:
yellow-spotted monitor Varanus panoptes
Paul and Jill:
yellow-spotted monitor Varanus panoptes
Paul and Jill:
kapok tree Cochlospermum gillivraei
Paul and Jill:
termite nest
Paul and Jill:
Anchor and Watsons Bays
Paul and Jill:
Anchor Bay southwest end with Osprey Island and dinghies
Paul and Jill:
yellow-spotted monitor Varanus panoptes
Paul and Jill:
yellow-spotted monitor Varanus panoptes
Paul and Jill:
termite nest
Paul and Jill:
Chinaman's Ridge
Paul and Jill:
tracks from yellow-spotted monitor Varanus panoptes and humans
Paul and Jill:
kapok tree Cochlospermum gillivraei
Paul and Jill:
kapok tree Cochlospermum gillivraei
Paul and Jill:
Golden Spider Wasp Cryptocheilus australis
Paul and Jill:
green ant nest
Paul and Jill:
green ant nest
Paul and Jill:
yellow-spotted monitor Varanus panoptes diggings
Paul and Jill:
view from Blue Lagoon beach of South (Newt) Island left and Paffrey Island right
Paul and Jill:
native apple Syzygium suborbiculare