Paul and Jill: three years after the Las Conchas fire
Paul and Jill: view towards Valles Caldera
Paul and Jill: three years after the Las Conchas fire
Paul and Jill: golden pholiota Pholiota aurivella
Paul and Jill: Golden Pholiota Pholiota aurivella
Paul and Jill: three years after the Las Conchas fire
Paul and Jill: What is being measured?
Paul and Jill: exclamation point
Paul and Jill: three years after the Las Conchas fire
Paul and Jill: three years after the Las Conchas fire
Paul and Jill: three years after the Las Conchas fire
Paul and Jill: three years after the Las Conchas fire
Paul and Jill: new aspen