Paul and Jill:
Dusty Miller Jacobaea maritima
Paul and Jill:
Sentier du Littoral near Gigaro towards Cap Lardier
Paul and Jill:
umbrella pines Pinus pinea
Paul and Jill:
Tree Spurge Euphorbia dendroides
Paul and Jill:
umbrella pine Pinus pinea
Paul and Jill:
Crique de l'Ilot du Crocodile
Paul and Jill:
dive boat on the Plage du Brouis
Paul and Jill:
umbrella pines Pinus pinea
Paul and Jill:
Wood Pink Dianthus sylvestris
Paul and Jill:
lichen on the rocks
Paul and Jill:
carnation Dianthus caryophyllus
Paul and Jill:
forest of umbrella pines
Paul and Jill:
Broad-leaved Sweet Pea Lathyrus latifolius
Paul and Jill:
quaking grass Briza maxima and knapweed Centaurea sp.
Paul and Jill:
Broad-leaved Sweet Pea Lathyrus latifolius