Paul and Jill:
hills over Point Sublime
Paul and Jill:
common wall lizard Podarcis muralis
Paul and Jill:
large wall brown Lasiommata maera
Paul and Jill:
European Stonecrop Petrosedum ochroleucum
Paul and Jill:
Verdon river
Paul and Jill:
impressionist barbel Barbus barbus
Paul and Jill:
Verdon river
Paul and Jill:
cliffs over the Pont du Tusset
Paul and Jill:
Cut-leaved Crane's-Bill Geranium dissectum
Paul and Jill:
Ash-coloured Broom Genista cinerea
Paul and Jill:
Pont du Tusset
Paul and Jill:
Jill on the Pont du Tusset
Paul and Jill:
Violet Bird's-Nest Limodorum abortivum
Paul and Jill:
meadow flowers
Paul and Jill:
adonis blue Polyommatus bellargus
Paul and Jill:
speckled wood Pararge aegeria
Paul and Jill:
bicyclists at rest at a tributary of the Verdon river
Paul and Jill:
detail of sign by trail to Pont du Tusset
Paul and Jill:
sheep east of the Verdon river
Paul and Jill:
Gorge du Verdon from the Corniche Sublime
Paul and Jill:
Gorges du Verdon
Paul and Jill:
Gorges du Verdon
Paul and Jill:
Long-headed Poppy Papaver dubium
Paul and Jill:
Viper's-Bugloss Echium vulgare
Paul and Jill:
Long-headed Poppy Papaver dubium
Paul and Jill:
cliff over the Gorges du Verdon
Paul and Jill:
Blue Lettuce Lactuca perennis
Paul and Jill:
Mediterranean Spurge Euphorbia characias
Paul and Jill:
Great Mullein Verbascum thapsus
Paul and Jill:
Canterbury-Bells Campanula medium