Paul and Jill: Lower Bald Mountain Trail
Paul and Jill: pacific madrone Arbutus menziesii
Paul and Jill: manzanita Arctostaphylos sp.
Paul and Jill: view of Hidden Ridge Vineyard
Paul and Jill: Arctostaphylos sp
Paul and Jill: Arctostaphylos sp
Paul and Jill: Arctostaphylos sp
Paul and Jill: yellow mariposa lily Calochortus luteus
Paul and Jill: Common Greenshield Lichen Flavoparmelia caperata
Paul and Jill: Western Terrestrial Garter Snake Thamnophis elegans
Paul and Jill: Western Terrestrial Garter Snake Thamnophis elegans
Paul and Jill: Western Terrestrial Garter Snake Thamnophis elegans
Paul and Jill: Vista Trail
Paul and Jill: field of grass
Paul and Jill: Manzanita Leafgall Aphid Tamalia coweni galls on Common Manzanita Arctostaphylos manzanita
Paul and Jill: coastal range fence lizard sceloporus occidentalis bocourtii
Paul and Jill: Field Bindweed Convolvulus arvensis