Paul and Jill:
enclosure at the start of the Breakneck River Hike
Paul and Jill:
Sea Spurge Euphorbia paralias
Paul and Jill:
heath goanna Varanus rosenbergii
Paul and Jill:
heath goanna Varanus rosenbergii
Paul and Jill:
Jill at the terminus of the Sandy River Hike
Paul and Jill:
humpback boxfish Anoplocapros lenticularis
Paul and Jill:
Giant Australian Cuttlefish Sepia apama
Paul and Jill:
tracks on the Sandy Creek Hike
Paul and Jill:
New Holland Cuttlefish Sepia novaehollandiae
Paul and Jill:
the Southern Ocean at the terminus of the Sandy Creek Hike
Paul and Jill:
the end of the cove at the terminus of the Sandy Creek Hike
Paul and Jill:
closeup of the end of the cove
Paul and Jill:
tracks in the sand
Paul and Jill:
dead sponge
Paul and Jill:
humpback boxfish Anoplocapros lenticularis
Paul and Jill:
more tracks in the sand
Paul and Jill:
yet more tracks in the sand
Paul and Jill:
even more tracks in the sand
Paul and Jill:
last picture of tracks in the sand
Paul and Jill:
Coast Groundsel Senecio pinnatifolius and Sea Spurge Euphorbia paralias