Paul and Jill: coney Cephalopholis fulva
Paul and Jill: doctorfish Acanthurus chirurgus and blue tang Acanthurus coeruleus
Paul and Jill: french angelfish Pomacanthus paru
Paul and Jill: french angelfish Pomacanthus paru
Paul and Jill: Keeltail Needlefish Platybelone argalus
Paul and Jill: Clown Wrasse Halichoeres maculipinna
Paul and Jill: stoplight parrotfish Sparisoma viride terminal phase
Paul and Jill: Bermuda Chub Kyphosus sectatrix
Paul and Jill: blue tang Acanthurus coeruleus
Paul and Jill: sergeant major Abudefduf saxatilis
Paul and Jill: doctorfish Acanthurus chirurgus
Paul and Jill: lettuce coral Agaricia agaricites
Paul and Jill: smooth and spotted trunkfishes Lactophrys triqueter and bicaudalis
Paul and Jill: juvenile striped parrotfish, ocean surgeonfish, and blue tang
Paul and Jill: stoplight parrotfish Sparisoma viride initial phase
Paul and Jill: glassy sweeper Pempheris schomburgki
Paul and Jill: stoplight parrotfish Sparisoma viride terminal phase
Paul and Jill: yellowtail parrotfish Sparisoma rubripinne initial phase
Paul and Jill: stoplight parrotfish Sparisoma viride terminal phase
Paul and Jill: queen parrotfish Scarus vetula terminal phase
Paul and Jill: queen parrotfish Scarus vetula terminal phase
Paul and Jill: peacock flounder Bothus lunatus
Paul and Jill: symmetrical brain coral Pseudodiploria strigosa
Paul and Jill: goldentail moray Gymnothorax miliaris
Paul and Jill: goldentail moray Gymnothorax miliaris
Paul and Jill: rainbow parrotfish Scarus guacamaia terminal phase
Paul and Jill: rainbow parrotfish Scarus guacamaia terminal phase