Paul and Jill: spotted trunkfish Lactophrys bicaudalis
Paul and Jill: hawksbill turtle Eretmochelys imbricata
Paul and Jill: hawksbill turtle Eretmochelys imbricata
Paul and Jill: french grunt Haemulon flavolineatum
Paul and Jill: spotted trunkfish Lactophrys bicaudalis
Paul and Jill: nurse shark Ginglymostoma cirratum
Paul and Jill: nurse shark Ginglymostoma cirratum
Paul and Jill: banded butterflyfish Chaetodon striatus
Paul and Jill: yellowtail parrotfish Sparisoma rubripinne
Paul and Jill: juvenile smooth trunkfish Lactophrys triqueter
Paul and Jill: blue tang Acanthurus coeruleus
Paul and Jill: stoplight parrotfish Sparisoma viride
Paul and Jill: giant anemone Condylactis gigantea
Paul and Jill: smallmouth grunt Haemulon chrysargyreum
Paul and Jill: queen parrotfish Scarus vetula
Paul and Jill: redlip blenny Ophioblennius macclurei
Paul and Jill: chromis, damselfish, and blenny
Paul and Jill: redlip blenny Ophioblennius macclurei and redspotted hawkfish Amblycirrhitus pinos
Paul and Jill: green turtle Chelonia mydas
Paul and Jill: green turtle Chelonia mydas
Paul and Jill: spanish hogfish Bodianus rufus
Paul and Jill: Dee Pedersen