paulineE2: 1.Outside Arena Di Verona
paulineE2: 2. Hours before the start - The rain came down!
paulineE2: 4. The stage is set & WET!
paulineE2: 5. Even people in the expensive seats got WET!
paulineE2: 3. Bring your own supper and a good book to read, it's a long wait!
paulineE2: 7. Finally the orchestra arrives!
paulineE2: 6. The Royal Box!
paulineE2: 8. Candlelight start
paulineE2: 9. Act 1
paulineE2: 10. Act 1
paulineE2: 12. Act 2
paulineE2: 13. Wow! What a setting.
paulineE2: 11. Oh no! It's raining!
paulineE2: 16. Carry on after a clean-up!
paulineE2: 14. Four white horses.
paulineE2: 15. More rain -more mopping-up!
paulineE2: 17. Back to the performance!
paulineE2: 18. Act 3
paulineE2: 19. Act 4