Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
baby green turtles in bassin
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
baobab tree from ground to tree top
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
driving on muddy track with potholes
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
driving on muddy track with potholes
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
elephants drinking at waterhole
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
elephants drinking at waterhole
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
elephants drinking at waterhole
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
elephants drinking at waterhole
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
elephants drinking at waterhole
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
elephants drinking at waterhole
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
elephants drinking at waterhole
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
elephants drinking at waterhole
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
Epupa waterfalls
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
Epupa waterfalls
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
flood bringing trees on Kunene river at dawn
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
flood bringing trees on Kunene river at dawn
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
flood bringing trees on Kunene river at dawn
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
getting second hatching of green turles in sand
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
green turtle going back to see after laying 163 eggs on beach
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
green turtle laying 163 eggs on beach
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
green turtle laying 163 eggs on beach
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
helping green turtle to lay eggs
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
helping green turtle to lay eggs
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
helping green turtle to lay eggs
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
helping green turtle to lay eggs
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
helping green turtle to lay eggs
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
herd of goats walking on track
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
Himba boy with herd of goats
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
Himba women dancing
Paul Godard - Soul Photography: