Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_009658 | Deer baby in front of fir trunks at sunset
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_009298 | Deer?? (??) laying in steppe
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_011038 | gelada baboon walking & eating between erica trees
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_015464 | hunting dogs laying in grass
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_015362 | herd of elephants crossing water hole at sunset
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_116155 | pot belly pig talking
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_110674 | baboon matters
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_110665 | baboon matters
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_110661 | baboon matters
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_116785 | bontebok in camp site
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_114310 | young calf playing with stalion horse in paddock under rain
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_110351 | male lion laying in grass
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_110344 | male lions laying in grass & yawling
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_110340 | male lions laying in grass
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_110261 | male lion eating antilope leg
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_105073 | buffalo
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_105051 | Rhinos
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_104614 | Oryx
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_104499 | Oryx on the Move
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_104498 | Oryx
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_105895 | Springboks
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_108361 | elephants walking in mud
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_108361 | elephants walking in mud
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_108345 | hyena eating buffalo surrounded by vaultures
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_108340 | hyena eating buffalo surrounded by vaultures
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_108326 | hyena eating buffalo surrounded by vaultures
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_108318 | elephant crossing track
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_108301 | baby impala drinking from mother
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_108286 | young elephant in bushes
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_105541 | Oryx