Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_100043 | old camphor tree in front of homestead
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_100044 | garden & pond in front of library
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_102054 | Rust & Vrede wine farm & vineyards
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_102056 | Rust & Vrede wine farm & vineyards
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_102083 | old house in Main st
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_100040 | Old Oak
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_100627 | {Dietes iridoides} fortnight lily or African iris flower
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_100628 | {Anisodontea scabrosa} pink mallow flower
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_100631 | {Protea cynaroides} king protea flower
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_100635 | {Protea cynaroides} king protea flower
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_100636 | {Erica vestita} trembling heath flowers
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_100641 | {Phylica pubescens} flannel bush or featherhead flower
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_100644 | {Leucospermum tottum} ribbon pincushion flower
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_100646 | Petals
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_100655 | tortoises matting
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_100868 | Gloria
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_101104 | flower
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_101138 | Polygala
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_101168 | {Passiflora sp} passion flower
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_102949 | autumn grape vine leave in vineyards in Devon Hill valley
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_102951 | autumn grape vine leave in vineyards in Devon Hill valley
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_103014 | leaf insect | Extatosoma tiaratum on Rubus sp
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_103207 | patio covered by vine + house entrance
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_103211 | dog head
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_103214 | people drinking & eating on restaurant terrace
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_103218 | dugs walking on lawn in front homestead
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_103221 | oak tree + cape dutch building
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_103222 | oak trees + cape dutch building
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_103223 | geese in patio
Paul Godard - Soul Photography:
PG_103227 | flowers & oak trees in front homestead