trainphotoz: CTA #3219
trainphotoz: CTA #3219
trainphotoz: CTA #3261
trainphotoz: CTA 3200s at Halsted
trainphotoz: CTA #3445 @ Skokie-Dempster
trainphotoz: CTA Yellow Line 3
trainphotoz: CTA Yellow Line 2
trainphotoz: CTA Yellow Line 1
trainphotoz: Winter @ East Prairie Road 4
trainphotoz: Winter @ East Prairie Road 3
trainphotoz: Winter @ East Prairie Road 2
trainphotoz: Winter @ East Prairie Road 1
trainphotoz: Viva Las Vegas!
trainphotoz: CTA #3448
trainphotoz: North Avenue Curve
trainphotoz: Wabash Avenue 'L'
trainphotoz: Interurban Remnant
trainphotoz: Howard L Terminal
trainphotoz: Round And About the Loop
trainphotoz: CTA #3335
trainphotoz: South Side Elelvated
trainphotoz: Former Yellow Line Car
trainphotoz: CTA #3453 & #3379
trainphotoz: Van Buren Street at Wells Street
trainphotoz: CTA #3457 & #3458 The Mis-Matched Pair"
trainphotoz: CTA #3456
trainphotoz: Ghost Train
trainphotoz: #3370 at Sedgwick
trainphotoz: Joining the North Side Mainline
trainphotoz: Shadows of the Douglas-Milwaukee