Paul L Dineen: Northern Plains Summer Baseball League (Colorado) championship tournament [1/8000, f/11, ISO ; 7D2, Canon 70-200 2.8L] - PLDL4407
Paul L Dineen: #20 Rylan Gutierrez, Fort Collins Foxes - PLDL8618.pitcher.only
Paul L Dineen: IMG_7266
Paul L Dineen: Dave Chrastil of the Estes Park Bobcats pitches vs the Brush Beetdiggers on 4/23/2019 - PLDL2133.crop
Paul L Dineen: Pomona vs Rocky Mountain HS varsity baseball; ; 1/??? f/??? ISO ???; 7D 70-200/2.8
Paul L Dineen: Foster Kreger pitches for the Summit Tigers against Josh Lancaster of the Brush Beetdiggers in the James Farley Memorial Tournament semi-final game on Saturday, July 6. - PLDL9193
Paul L Dineen: IMG_6284
Paul L Dineen: PLDL4370
Paul L Dineen: Nick Wellen started and pitched six innings, yielding one unearned run on three hits. [1/800, f/2.8, ISO ; 7D2, Canon 70-200 2.8L] - PLDL5167