Paul L Dineen: strike! ; 1/1000 f/2.8 ISO ???; 7D 70-200/2.8 IMG_1690
Paul L Dineen: Emorie Rios of Sterling finished second in the long jump with a 32’ 10” mark.- PLDL4050
Paul L Dineen: Umpire Aaron Prior calls out Carson Rule on a throw by left fielder Tucker Johnson and tag by Aidyn Scott, 4/23/2019, Estes Park Bobcats at Brush Beetdiggers [1/3200, f/3.2, ISO ; 7D2, Canon 70-200 2.8L] - PLDL3012
Paul L Dineen: Nick Beltran (left) and Nick Norris celebrate winning the 4A baseball district playoff in Palisade - PLDL2376
Paul L Dineen: [1/800 f/2.8 ISO 5000; 7D2 70-200/2.8] Hope Baessler of the Weldon Valley Warriors celebrates after a point against the Wiggins Tigers. 9/10/2019; -PLDL9430
Paul L Dineen: broken bat, with ball along for the ride
Paul L Dineen: 1/800 2.8 3200 50mm IMG_4707.jj
Paul L Dineen: PLDL0317.jj
Paul L Dineen: IMG_4025