Paul L Dineen: The Creature from the Peanut Butter Jar
Paul L Dineen: Goldilocks and Freddie Mercury
Paul L Dineen: Mountain Vista Golden Eagles 65 at Rocky Mountain HS Lobos 61, Fort Collins, Colorado - IMG_5454.faces
Paul L Dineen: hubcap faces - 1/25 sec f/22 ISO 100 - IMG_6444-Edit
Paul L Dineen: freaky football dance
Paul L Dineen: It's a football field, and they're in football gear, but ....
Paul L Dineen: Brody Fehmel tagged out by Brett David in a rundown; 1/2000 f/2.8 ISO ???; 7D 70-200/2.8 - IMG_3971
Paul L Dineen: Remember: always look both ways.
Paul L Dineen: Zen Basketball Levitation Bomb - PLDL7394-Edit
Paul L Dineen: IMG_0603-Edit.arms.crop
Paul L Dineen: Stanford University
Paul L Dineen: IMG_4799
Paul L Dineen: Morgan County (Colorado) Road 22 / 2100, near MCR DD, NNE of Fort Morgan -PLDS1668-Edit
Paul L Dineen: horned, Satanic creature discovered - IMG_0809
Paul L Dineen:
Paul L Dineen: IMG_8512
Paul L Dineen: stained glass utility pole
Paul L Dineen: The Cylon hides in plain sight. (Fossil Creek Park, Fort Collins)
Paul L Dineen: Basketbowl - IMG_7693
Paul L Dineen: levitate
Paul L Dineen: glass is slippery; 1/??? f/??? ISO ???; 7D 28-135/3.5-5.6
Paul L Dineen: Dr. Jeckll and Ms. Hyde: delighted, skeptical
Paul L Dineen: pooch mesmerized by flying saucer's tractor beam
Paul L Dineen: And some say baseball is boring.
Paul L Dineen: "WET PAINT"
Paul L Dineen: "He's not our most handsome teammate." IMG_7667
Paul L Dineen: central California beach - no nudity beyond this sign
Paul L Dineen: She likes what she sees
Paul L Dineen: kitty stew