Devall Paul: Martello Tower
Devall Paul: The Ranges
Devall Paul: Martello Tower
Devall Paul: Martello Tower
Devall Paul: Martello Tower
Devall Paul: On the Ranges seafront path
Devall Paul: Martello Tower
Devall Paul: On the Ranges seafront path
Devall Paul: Hythe Ranges groyne
Devall Paul: On the Ranges seafront path
Devall Paul: On the Ranges seafront path
Devall Paul: Martello Tower
Devall Paul: Walk along the seashore with Storm Jorge.
Devall Paul: Walk along the seashore with Storm Jorge.
Devall Paul: Walk along the seashore with Storm Jorge.
Devall Paul: Walk along the seashore with Storm Jorge.
Devall Paul: Walk along the seashore with Storm Jorge.
Devall Paul: Walk along the seashore with Storm Jorge.
Devall Paul: Walk along the seashore with Storm Jorge.
Devall Paul: Walk along the seashore with Storm Jorge.
Devall Paul: Walk along the seashore with Storm Jorge.
Devall Paul: Walk along the seashore with Storm Jorge.
Devall Paul: Collapsed Martello.
Devall Paul: Collapsed Martello.
Devall Paul: Collapsed Martello.
Devall Paul: Collapsed Martello.
Devall Paul: Fisherman's beach equipment
Devall Paul: Fisherman's beach equipment