Paul Cottis: Shadows in the Kalahari
Paul Cottis: Oryx pair in the early morning light
Paul Cottis: Springbok chase
Paul Cottis: Black-backed Jackal looking closely at us
Paul Cottis: Kori Bustard (ardeotis kori) trying to keep warm
Paul Cottis: Male Steenbok looking back
Paul Cottis: Common Ostrich (struthio camelus) out for a walk
Paul Cottis: Wildebeest grazing with Oryx behind
Paul Cottis: Red Hartebeest group
Paul Cottis: Red Hartebeest running past Oryx group
Paul Cottis: First Springbok Group
Paul Cottis: Helmeted Guineafowl (numida meleagris)
Paul Cottis: Young Cape Ground Squirrel by the side of the road
Paul Cottis: Oryx group in the Kalahari grasslands
Paul Cottis: Oryx herd on the run
Paul Cottis: Black-chested Prinia (prinia flavicans) in non-breeding plummage
Paul Cottis: Black-maned Lions walking through the thick scrub
Paul Cottis: Black-maned Lion disappearing as he blends with the long grass
Paul Cottis: Large male black-maned Lion of the Kalahari - Black and White
Paul Cottis: Large male black-maned Lion of the Kalahari walking through the bush
Paul Cottis: Kalahari Scrub Robin (cercotrichas paena) blowing in the wind
Paul Cottis: Springbok sitting down
Paul Cottis: Oryx on the run
Paul Cottis: Cape Ground Squirrel giving a hard stare
Paul Cottis: Yellow Mongose looking around
Paul Cottis: Fawn-coloured Lark (Calendulauda africanoides)?
Paul Cottis: Honey Badger running across road
Paul Cottis: Massed ranks of Red-billed Quelea (quelea quelea) in bush and drinking at waterhole
Paul Cottis: Lesser Masked Weaver (ploceus intermedius)
Paul Cottis: Southern Grey-headed Sparrow (passer diffusus)