Paul Cottis: Northern Lapwing (vanellus vanellus)
Paul Cottis: Grey Heron (ardea cinerea) fishing in pool
Paul Cottis: Wolverine playing on thin branch
Paul Cottis: Wolverine sitting up
Paul Cottis: Snow Leopard cubs resting
Paul Cottis: Snow Leopard watching from high vantage point at the top of the cliff
Paul Cottis: Northern (Eurasian) Lynx resting
Paul Cottis: Two Snow Leopard cubs playing on rocks
Paul Cottis: Young Polar Bear walking beside pool
Paul Cottis: Snow Leopard cub climbing over rocks
Paul Cottis: Common Pheasant (phasianus colchicus)
Paul Cottis: Eurasian Elk portrait - Black and White
Paul Cottis: Guanaco looking over hill
Paul Cottis: European Bison group on top of hill
Paul Cottis: Common Pheasant (phasianus colchicus) female
Paul Cottis: Przewalski's Wild Horse
Paul Cottis: Snow Leopard moving about on the cliff
Paul Cottis: Amur Tiger playing in wooded area
Paul Cottis: Snow Leopard cub on rock
Paul Cottis: Female Snow Leopard looking down from cliff (with cubs just about visible at the back)
Paul Cottis: Northern Lapwing (vanellus vanellus)
Paul Cottis: Wolverine running towards me
Paul Cottis: Przewalski's Wild Horse grazing
Paul Cottis: Barnacle Goose (branta leucopsis)
Paul Cottis: Polar Bear cub playing and diving into a very dirty pond
Paul Cottis: Amur Tiger walking through wooded area
Paul Cottis: Snow Leopard cub - Black and White
Paul Cottis: Przewalski's Wild Horses on the hillside
Paul Cottis: Greater One-horned Rhinoceros resting in pool - Black and White
Paul Cottis: Northern (Eurasian) Lynx watching whilst resting