Paul Cottis:
Small flock of Puna Ibis (plegadis ridgwayi) beside Lake Huacarpay
Paul Cottis:
Puna Teal (anas puna) on Lake Huacarpay
Paul Cottis:
Andean Gull (chroicocephalus serranus) swimming by the lakeside
Paul Cottis:
Wild Guinea Pig in the rushes
Paul Cottis:
Variable (Puna) Hawk (buteo polyosoma) looking around from perch in large tree
Paul Cottis:
Plumbeous Rail (pardirallus sanguinolentus) walking in the reedbeds of Lake Huacarpay
Paul Cottis:
Green-tailed Trainbearer (lesbia nuna) feeding on flowers on small bush
Paul Cottis:
Green-tailed Trainbearer (lesbia nuna) on top of small bush
Paul Cottis:
Chiguanco Thrush (turdus chiguanco) on the ground
Paul Cottis:
Bearded Mountaineer (oreonympha nobilis) feeding from flower
Paul Cottis:
Bearded Mountaineer (oreonympha nobilis) feeding whilst in flight
Paul Cottis:
Giant Hummingbird (patagona gigas) in bare bush
Paul Cottis:
Giant Hummingbird (patagona gigas) in flight
Paul Cottis:
Moustached Flowerpiercer (diglossia mystacalis)
Paul Cottis:
White-throated Tyrannulet (mecocerculus leucophrys) in small bush
Paul Cottis:
Scarlet-bellied Mountain-Tanager (anisognathus igniventris) perched in the sunshine
Paul Cottis:
Speckled Chachalaca (Ortalis guttata) perched in the bush beside the road
Paul Cottis:
View down from Manu Road to the cloud forest below
Paul Cottis:
Chiguanco Thrush (Turdus chiguanco) on lichen covered branch
Paul Cottis:
The dining room at Waquecha in the early morning light
Paul Cottis:
Great Thrush (turdus fuscater) in lichen covered tree
Paul Cottis:
Telipogon salinasiae - orchid
Paul Cottis:
Hooded Siskin (carduelis magellanica) hanging upside down in small bush
Paul Cottis:
Hooded Mountain Tanager (buthraupis montana) looking down from twig
Paul Cottis:
The fog coming down in the Andes
Paul Cottis:
Black-faced Brush-finch (atlapetes melanolaemus) peeking out from bush
Paul Cottis:
Rufous-collared Sparrow (zonotrichia capensis) in bush
Paul Cottis:
Sierran Elaenia (elaenia pallatangae) in low bushes
Paul Cottis:
Black-faced Brush-finch (atlapetes melanolaemus) on the ground
Paul Cottis:
View from our room at Wayquecha