paulbart: St John's - view from hotel
paulbart: Newfoundland dog on Scademia tour boat
paulbart: Iceberg damage (see ice on deck)
paulbart: Iceberg damage (see ice on deck)
paulbart: St. John's
paulbart: St. John's
paulbart: Fort Amherst (from Scademia tour)
paulbart: Fort Amherst (from Scademia tour)
paulbart: Cape Spear (from Scademia tour)
paulbart: Whale! (can you spot it??)
paulbart: View from Scademia tour
paulbart: View from Scademia tour
paulbart: View from Scademia tour
paulbart: George Street (street performer)
paulbart: George Street
paulbart: Malcolm at Trapper John's
paulbart: Malcolm and a random girl
paulbart: O'Reilly's pub
paulbart: Malcolm/Rick @ Christian's pub
paulbart: Rick/me at Christian's pub (freaky look on my face!)
paulbart: Debbie and her friend having some drunken fun
paulbart: Rick/Debbie/me
paulbart: Malcolm on George Street
paulbart: Malcolm and a random drunk guy
paulbart: Malcolm and a random drunk guy
paulbart: Malcolm and a random girl
paulbart: Malcolm was finally allowed to play the drums (too bad he doesn't remember)
paulbart: End of first night on George Street
paulbart: St. John's
paulbart: Signal Hill