paulbart: View of Mediterranean sea from near my hotel (Tel Aviv)
paulbart: View of Mediterranean sea from near my hotel (Tel Aviv)
paulbart: Negev desert (on the way to the Dead Sea)
paulbart: On the way to the Dead Sea
paulbart: On the way to the Dead Sea
paulbart: On the way to the Dead Sea
paulbart: The Dead Sea
paulbart: People floating in the Dead Sea
paulbart: The Dead Sea
paulbart: The Dead Sea
paulbart: The Dead Sea
paulbart: Near Masada
paulbart: Masada
paulbart: Masada
paulbart: Negev desert
paulbart: Jerusalem walls
paulbart: Dome of the Rock (Jerusalem)
paulbart: El-Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem)
paulbart: Hagia Maria Sion Abbey (Mount Zion, Jerusalem)
paulbart: Church of the Agony (Mount of Olives, Jerusalem)
paulbart: Cemetery (Mount of Olives, Jerusalem)
paulbart: Upper Room (supposed location of The Last Supper) (Jerusalem)
paulbart: Hagia Maria Sion Abbey (Mount Zion, Jerusalem)
paulbart: Hagia Maria Sion Abbey (Mount Zion, Jerusalem)
paulbart: Upper Room (supposed location of The Last Supper) (Jerusalem)
paulbart: Chamber of the Holocaust (Mount Zion, Jerusalem)
paulbart: Between Jerusalem and Bethlehem
paulbart: Church of the Nativity (Bethlehem)
paulbart: Silver Star (supposedly where Jesus Christ was born) (Church of the Nativity, Bethlehem)
paulbart: Church of the Nativity (Bethlehem)