paulbart: First issue of "Morrow Owner's Review" magazine (April, 1984)
paulbart: First 1/4-page ad for "MultiForm" (lower-right: note the high quality dot-matrix artwork!) (April, 1984)
paulbart: Second 1/4-page ad for "MultiForm" (lower-right, daisy-wheel printing this time!) (June, 1984)
paulbart: Article about "MCI Mail" - before everyone had email (June, 1984)
paulbart: New "Pivot" MS-DOS lunchbox computer from Morrow (mention of my "MultiForm" app in last paragraph) (June, 1984)
paulbart: First "MultiForm" ad after 'falling-out' with my employer over money (now has my name/address) (October, 1984)
paulbart: List of Morrow BBS's (before the 'web', you had to direct-dial other computers by phone number) (October, 1984)
paulbart: First 1/2-page "MultiForm" ad (with DOS disk support, with "Foreign order" pricing) (February, 1985)
paulbart: Ad for "The Pedal" (foot-operated 'Control' key), for when your finger gets sore pressing 'Control' key all of the time (February, 1985)
paulbart: Editorial talking about me in last two paragraphs (June/July, 1985)
paulbart: Review of "MultiForm" (Page 1 of 2) (August/September, 1985)
paulbart: Review of "MultiForm" (Page 2 of 2) (August/September, 1985)
paulbart: Ad for "ON! System" computer - they paid me $2000 to bundle a version of "MultiForm" with their computers (October/November, 1987)