Paula SG: Layout using the Sonburn eco chic line
Paula SG: eco chic line
Paula SG: Debbie on magarita # ?!!!
Paula SG: Good times
Paula SG: Wendy being goofy
Paula SG: Kellie and I laughing at Pattie
Paula SG: Group shot
Paula SG: no longer feeling the toothache
Paula SG: Pattie, the movie maker
Paula SG: More Pattie
Paula SG: Mrs Weber, Mrs Knox making people laugh
Paula SG: good times
Paula SG: I wonder what Wendy is telling Pattie?
Paula SG: crazy ladies!
Paula SG: Aly D and me
Paula SG: Debbie, Celeste and me
Paula SG: Debbie's book signing
Paula SG: Debbie's book signing