paulandbecs: Ice cream
paulandbecs: Ice cream!
paulandbecs: ICE CREAM!
paulandbecs: Welcome to Alnwick Gardens
paulandbecs: Alnwick Water Garden
paulandbecs: Close up of lower end of the water garden
paulandbecs: Erica on a tractor
paulandbecs: Pouring and swirling
paulandbecs: Wrong way round
paulandbecs: Jan and Anne
paulandbecs: Water jets
paulandbecs: Ooooh water
paulandbecs: Lots of drops
paulandbecs: Beech tunnel
paulandbecs: Gate of the formal garden
paulandbecs: Gate of the formal garden
paulandbecs: Crab apple fencing
paulandbecs: Formal garden
paulandbecs: Formal garden
paulandbecs: Tulip border
paulandbecs: Grapes. Ta.
paulandbecs: Scrunchy smile
paulandbecs: Just like that
paulandbecs: In the woods
paulandbecs: Shades
paulandbecs: Snotty smiles
paulandbecs: Swallow
paulandbecs: Burnfoot cottages
paulandbecs: Scrainwood Burn