pmadel: Fort de Buoux front approach
pmadel: Fort de Buoux front approach
pmadel: P1060506a
pmadel: Fort de Buoux view north
pmadel: Buoux
pmadel: Buoux
pmadel: Buoux
pmadel: Buoux
pmadel: Escarpment to the west of the fort
pmadel: P1060518a
pmadel: Fortress outer wall, former dwelling area in foreground
pmadel: Fortress was razed at the direction of Louis XIV in 17th century
pmadel: P1060535
pmadel: Silos in the dwelling area below the fortress wall
pmadel: Village of Buoux
pmadel: P1060547a
pmadel: View north from within the fortress
pmadel: Village of Buoux
pmadel: View from the uppermost keep
pmadel: Fort de Buoux secret rear exit