Paula Bird Parent: Four of Ten Budgies - Paint and Ink Effect - January 2008
Paula Bird Parent: Debbie's Reflections - Paint and Ink Effect - January 2008
Paula Bird Parent: Closer to Debbie - Oil Painting Effect - January 2008
Paula Bird Parent: Debbie's Reflections - January 2008
Paula Bird Parent: Affectionate Budgies: B/W, Cropped Mix
Paula Bird Parent: Hey, you down there! (cropped version)
Paula Bird Parent: Mikey Budgie Portrait
Paula Bird Parent: Mikey Budgie Portrait - Cropped Version
Paula Bird Parent: Debbie, Davy and Rupi
Paula Bird Parent: Sammie's Bath - Paint and Ink Effect
Paula Bird Parent: Sunshine Budgies: Mikey and Sammie (Oil Painting Effect)
Paula Bird Parent: Yellow Budgie Duo: Sammie 'n' Mikey
Paula Bird Parent: Post-bath Sammie - Oil Painting Effect
Paula Bird Parent: Sammie and Tiffany - Paint and Ink Effect
Paula Bird Parent: Debbie and Babies
Paula Bird Parent: Mikey and Tiffany - Paint and Ink Effect
Paula Bird Parent: Sammie and Davy - Paint and Ink Effect
Paula Bird Parent: Debbie the Budgie - Halftone Filter Mix
Paula Bird Parent: Debbie Smiles for the Camera! :-)
Paula Bird Parent: "Can I be in this one, please? I'm a pretty girl!"
Paula Bird Parent: Sammie, Mikey and Rupi - Paint and Ink Effect
Paula Bird Parent: Deborah the Budgie - Oil Painting Effect
Paula Bird Parent: Deborah - Paint and Ink Effect
Paula Bird Parent: Mikey Budgie on the Seed Dish
Paula Bird Parent: Debbie on Swing
Paula Bird Parent: Debbie and Friends - Watercolour Effect
Paula Bird Parent: Mikey Says, "Hello!"
Paula Bird Parent: Affectionate Budgies
Paula Bird Parent: Affectionate Budgies - B/W
Paula Bird Parent: Affectionate Budgies - Sepia Tones