Cardiff Boy 2: P1040317 Station Orcadas, Laurie Island, South Orkneys
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050007-1 Chinstrap Penguin, Laurie Island
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050008 Chinstrap Penguin, Laurie Island
Cardiff Boy 2: P1040315 South Orkneys
Cardiff Boy 2: P1040320 Station Orcadas, Laurie Island, South Orkneys
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050005 South Orkneys
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050023 Flags and colours, Station Orcadas
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050033 Station Orcadas, Laurie Island
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050015 Rich, Arne, Argentinian Flag, Station Orcadas
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050072 Mate in Station Orcadas
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050074 Passport stamp, Station Orcadas
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050029 Museum Station Orcadas
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050028 Stuffed Sheathbill in Station Orcadas
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050014 Graveyard, Laurie Island
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050009-1 Seals in Graveyard, Laurie Island
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050043 Seals in Icebound Bay, Laurie Island
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050047 Seal in Icebound Bay, Laurie Island
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050056 remains of Omond House, Laurie Island
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050067 Omond House notice, Laurie Island
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050071 MV Hanseatic, Laurie Island
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050075 MV Hanseatic, Laurie Island
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050077 Paul and Janet, Laurie Island
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050084 Iceberg
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050086 Icebergs
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050088 Chinstrap Penguins on Iceberg
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050091 Iceberg
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050096 Penguins on Iceberg, Washington Strait
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050101 Penguins on Iceberg
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050109 Blue Iceberg
Cardiff Boy 2: P1050110 Blue Iceberg