Cardiff Boy 2: 20161011_144242 Rosie and Ian stake an Apple Tree, SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: Leafhopper Balclutha punctata 10.9.16 SPCG P1110529 (GT)
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_091154 Holly speckle from SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_081327 Common Earthball from SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_075507 Common Pocket-moss (Fissidens taxifolius) SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_075443 Deroceras reticulatum slug SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_075045 Hawthorn Shieldbug SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_074840 Ichneumon wasp, Anomaloninae sp SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_074800 Sargus bipunctatus, twin-spot centurion soldier fly SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_074304 Calocera cornea, small stags' horn fungus SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_074148 Holly Leaf miner, Phytomyza ilicis (Fly) SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_074033 Common Earthballs, SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_074001 Old Oak Apple Gall of Biorhiza pallida SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_073941 Marble Gall on Oak, Andricus kollari SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_073850 Common Green Shieldbug SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_073607 Birch Shieldbug SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_073508 Phyllonorycter coryli (moth) blister mine on Hazel SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_073324 Phytomyza agromyzina Leaf mine on dogwood SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_073247 Pointed spearmoss, Calliergonella cuspidata SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_073044 Sargus bipunctatus, twin-spot centurion soldier fly SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_072954 Stigmella tityrella leaf mine on beech SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_072929 Prob Phyllonorycter messanniella, Poss P. maestingella Blister Leaf Mine SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_072725 Stigmella microtheriella Leaf Mine on Hazel SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_072526 Blaniulus guttulatus Millipedes on Apple SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_072515 Blaniulus guttulatus Millipedes on Apple SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_072429 Phyllonorycter leucographella on apple SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_072319 Spangle Galls and bark-louse on Oak Leaf SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_072310 Spangle Galls Neuroterus quercusbaccarum on oak leaf SPCG tbd
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_072239 Apple leaf mine Lyonetia clerkella (moth) SPCG
Cardiff Boy 2: 20160911_071336 Square Spot Rustic SPCG